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Noël 2004, Anne devant son ordinateur, devant le massif du Mont Blanc. (Photo de Jean Philippe Azaïs).

The ancestor syndrome
Ancestor syndrome Workshop
Video Moreno
International associations
Suffering in Silence
Psychodrama Workshop
Transgenerational analysis


Best wishes for this dificult year 2009, health, energy courage and hope, especialy, - with the good news of the election of the first black president in USA, Barack Obama - even if nobody can make imadiate miracle, but hope, optimism and energy are powerfull tools for change for the best. At 90 years old, Anne is still publishing new books, running groups, but à her tace.

(novembre 2007) Psychogénéalogie Guérir les blessures familiales et se retrouver soi. Paris, Payot. [Livre sur le transgénérationnel, les secrets de famille et le fatras familial à gérer].

Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger published in  July 2007 un article "Transgenerational analysis and psychodrama : applying and extending Moreno's concepts of co-unconscient and social atom to transgenerational links" (p 155-175 in psychodrama : advances in theory and practice, London, Routledge 2007, edited by Clark Baim, Jorge, Burgmeister and Manuela Maciel ) with a dozen colleagues . [en anglais - in english].

For Christmas 2007 and new year 2008, Anne goes with her family in her home in high-mountain, and like marmot shall hibernate for three months.


Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, PhD, TEP, 1919 is French, raised and educated in Paris (France). She lives in Paris and is Professor Emeritus, University of Nice.  She was a Professor of Clinical Social Psychology there since 1967 (actually professor emeritus, still giving some lectures on clinical socio-psychology, non verbal communication, trangenerational links).  She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno from 1951 and also by Jim Enneis (St Elisabeth's Hospital, Washington DC); in group-dynamics and psycho-sociology at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, 1950-52)  and also at the National Training Laboratories (NTL, Bethel, Maine) with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger, Ronald Lippitt, Alvin Zander. She was the first European to be trained at N.T.L. (1951). She worked  with Carl Rogers, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, Leon Festinger, the Palo Alto group and their non-verbal communication research group. 

 Professor Anne Schützenberger was also a student of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; and a visitor in Moshe Feldenkrais’ Body Work training for 2 years in USA and Paris. She is a co-founder with J.L. Moreno of IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotherapy), and organized the First International Congress of Psychodrama in Paris, (1964), and also the First European Congress of Humanistic Psychology and Psychotherapy in Paris in 1971. 

At 87 years, she is still working, running groups, lecturing, and training in psychodrama, non verbal-communication, group-psychotherapy, unfinished tasks [Zeigarnik Effect], unfinished mourning of various losses, and transgenerational links.

She is one of the main pioneers in the field of transgenerational therapy (genosociogram, encompassing five to seven generation and "coined" the term "psychogenealogy") and had become a best seller.

Professor Anne Schützenberger is an expert on Psychodrama (certified T.E.P.) for the United Nations (Europe) since 1970, and is an International trainer and supervisor in Psychodrama (T.E.P.), working on 5 continents for 40 years. She has received many awards, especially, the Prix de l'Aide Alliée à la Resistance (1948) for her work in the French Underground, (during World War II), the Soroptimist International Award(1950) and an honorary fellowship from the International Association for Group-psychotherapy (IAGP) (2002) She was one of the co-foundators and pioneers in 1950.

She has become a best-seller at 80 with her books on transgenerational links [The Ancestor Syndrome] translates in seven languages, and has written many books and chapters in many books in French and English, in Europe and USA.

[ Eventually looks French biography]

Bibliography & photo.

Revised edition  june 7, 2006 with the help of webmaster from flyer by Sue Daniel for Anne's Australian workshop.

 Skipper bénévole, croisière voil